Saturday, February 29, 2020

Animals in our life

Animals play an extremely important part in the lives of humans. We may not realize how much impact animals have on our lives. They have played various roles; that of a friend, companion, protector, comforter, and more. Addressing people who are not animal lovers, I would say it is very difficult to explain what joy an animal can bring to ones life. Pets impact human lives on a face-to-face basis by being our companions, whether its a cat or a dog. Nothing is more comforting than having a dog greet you at the door, or a cat curl up in your lap. Pets help us in our daily life in terms of giving us the emotional support and ,personally, I find it most important. Also having a pet is a great way to teach a child caretaking skills. A pet must be fed and watered daily, on some days given a bath, and trained. In order to help children get used to the responsibilities involved in looking after a real pet, some parents buy them virtual pets. But if you ask me, this kind of toys is useless. If we talk about pets, we should clear up what is it to be a pet owner. Nowadays we are used to meet eccentric owners on the streets or in public places. Its their choice and right to celebrate their pets birthday with a party, or to talk to their pets on the phone, or even to permit their pets to enjoy the leftovers from the owner meal in a restaurant. But lets face the fact that some people are really animal crackers. I may be wrong, but keeping unusual pets or large amount of pets in little flat is absolutely insane action. Tigers, panthers and lions are ferocious, wild animals. They are not suited for domestic life and should never be kept as pets. Also if a large dog is not obedient to its owner, then it is a potential danger too. If youre going to take on a pup, you should respect other people and their privacy, think about the size of your apartment and about your free time, would it be enough for your pet?! Pet animals are often used for rehabilitation. Certain dogs, with special certification, are allowed to visit the residents in nursing homes. A recent survey has shown that animals enhance the lives of others. The sick and the elderly look forward to spending time with animals. Just petting an animal can have a calming effect. Animals have helped throughout history by working for humans. Many farmers use animals for their livelihood. Farmers raise cattle, lamb, sheep, goats and other animals simply to make a living. Many of these animals are used for meat or for milk. Dogs too can work on a farm helping the farmer with the sheep or cattle. Animals raised on farms are often our food and fur sources. Animals save our lives in many ways. For example, they guard our properties and perform heroic feats. Dogs are very smart and can be taught to do almost anything. Whether that is to find drugs, find a missing person or even find a bomb, they are amazing animals. People trained animals for handicapped individuals. Guide dogs for the blind people cant replace their eyes, but they can be an enormous help in making day-to-day life much easier and happier. Guide dogs assist their owners in their daily activities, from carrying large objects to directing a blind person through traffic. Furthermore, animals give their lives for the advancement of science. Lab rats are poked, prodded, injected with chemical substances and operated upon, all so that we may find new cures for the many diseases that threaten our quality of life. Animals affect everyones life, whether youre an animal-lover, animal-hater, animal-eater or animal-saver. Whether animals are house pets, working animals or used for experimentation they are very important to us and we need them as much as they need us.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Arguments for anti-feminism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arguments for anti-feminism - Essay Example Are women deprived of rights in society as pointed out in lieu of the feminist view or are women appropriately designated with responsibilities fit for their nature compared to the status of men? It is evident that feminism is a concept motivated by the quest for social justice of individuals who believe that women are disadvantaged in society. I consider feminism as both an intellectual commitment and a political movement that seeks equality for women and the end of sexism in all forms. As James characterizes it, â€Å"feminism is grounded on the belief that women are deprived of certain rights and oppressed by comparison with men, and that their oppression is in some way illegitimate or unjustified†, (276). Crow adds that, â€Å"injustices to women are referred to as the imposition of weak roles to women from roles at home and at work to the bigger part of societal functions†, (1). I will prove in this discussion that the feminist claim, that is, women are denied equal rights by being secondary to men is unsound. As Okin makes the point, â€Å"subordination of women in the context of a family is nothing but a role which could be fulfilled as a role in the family†, (68). I can clearly see that housekeeping functions are allocated to women because a family is a relationship built from the cooperation of the partners. Male partners should handle the financial burden since they are more productive and their biological structure provides for the competitive work advantage. With the role of income generation left to the responsibility of men, housekeeping in general should just be naturally assigned to women. In addition, it could easily be argued that men should be given the responsibility to have better compensation â€Å"because of their role in the labor market† (Bergmann 112). Men deserve to get the top spot in the market of jobs and be remunerate d better relative to women due to their abilities. It is the goal of feminism as well to eliminate the culture in

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Globalisation and Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Globalisation and Democracy - Essay Example There is no doubt that since the nineties of XX century, the term "globalization† has become the most prevalent in the global politics and political science. There is no need to dwell on those objective preconditions, which caused the appearance of the given term. Suffice it to list only the most significant ones. They are the growing internationalization of markets of goods and services, as well as the growth of financial interdependence between countries and regions, and uniformization of political regimes on the basis of the almost universal acceptance of democratic governance and the associated incidence of common culture (mass culture) models and patterns of consumption, and hitherto unprecedented development of informatization and communication, allowing to reduce the spatial and temporal boundaries between people, nations and states. With all the objective fullness of the given concept, which does not allow to doubt the existence and development of this process in the mo dern world, its rationale, interpretation and prediction in global political science, there is quite strong subjective beginning in it. It is connected on the one hand, with everyone’s inherent striving to simplify and speed up all the positive phenomena of reality in order to have time to enjoy their outcomes during lifetime. On the other hand, such subjectivity in the interpretation of globalization is associated with the exploitation of people’s natural psychological needs by worldwide mass media in order to ensure the individual interests of certain groups of countries, united by such concept as "developed". As a rule, political observers tend to perceive a certain inferiority of post-totalitarian countries’ democratic systems, their non-conformity to Western standards, due to their communist past. Certainly, the development of democracy in post-communist countries, where historical continuity and even cultural tradition were distorted by more than 70-year p eriod of revolution and state violence, has its own characteristic shortcomings. Liberalization of the economy in post-communist countries failed to provide a deep structure of property relations (as in Poland or Hungary), as well as led to a huge social stratification of society on the poor and the rich (when the income gap reaches a ratio of 1:50). This situation is fraught with social and political instability, and, most importantly, it absolutely falls out of the context of European democracy. Those phenomena that are considered to be an unfortunate results of economic liberalization in developed Western countries and its unavoidable costs, serve as the norm for the post-communist countries, almost as a brand name of democracy. In reality, such increased economic inequality (with a concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a small group of oligarchs) constitutes a menace to democratic development and is an attributive sign of third world countries. In accordance with a m ajority of sociological researches, globalization and informatization lead not only to the internationalization and intensify interaction between different countries and civilizations, but at the same time cause various kinds of crises in less developed countries and regions. (Jagdish Bhagwati 2004). These trends, previously outlined by Samuel Huntington in his article "The Clash of